Personal. Local. Fun.


Food Locator Mobile App & Website

12 weeks Duration (2018)

Student Project

UI/UX Design

This mobile app that I designed is a locator for food, especially for newcomers settle down in new places. It includes the filter that helps people to find their favourite restaurants based on preferences they set on. In this case, results may more accurate and reliable eventually.

Because of my personal experience, newcomers may have another issue: the feeling of loneliness. They wish to find someone to eat together. Then I realized this idea may not be just for newcomers, other people probably feel lonely as well due to different reasons. Therefore, this app may help them to search others nearby through certain personal settings.



I created this persona by asking participants eight food app related questions. I was surprised the results that I got are very different from one another. However, their opinions inspired me to rethink the entire structure and features that may include in my Taster App. After completed this persona, I realized the initial research is quite important to decide how to design the necessary features in our future apps.

Jounery Map


Previous Version

Final Version



Logo Development

Version 1

Version 3

Version 2

Version 4

App Version

This logo will show entirely both on mobile screen and in splash page when users tap this app icon.

Web Version

This is the standard version of logo and it will display entirely in website screens. However, this logo will only show icon  (with no words ) when screen space is considerably limited.


Color Scheme


Food Map

Personal  Preferences

Food  Category

Google  Map

my footprint

Saved  Restaurants

Partner  Records

Partners Nearby

Gender  Choices

Characteristics  Choices

Chatting  Tool

Splitting  Bills


My  Accounts

Languages  Settings

App Mockups

Website Mockups

Other Mockups

Business Card
